Segment anything by anything using our simple & intuitive drag-and-drop interface. Build complex filters on any relevant datapoint in real time. No SQL knowledge is required, zniper's smart engine handles all technical complexity for your marketing teams.
We create & maintain a unique 360°customer view for every client, so that you can build micro-segments with expressed, implied and predicted data. Group customers with similar characteristics into micro-segments to interact and monetize.
The key to efficient 1:1 relationship management!
Map out automation flows to always trigger the right action at the right time. Start out simple and add complexity as you become smarter. Scheduled automation flows help you cut out manual overhead and get more time on your side. See more sales, more conversions and more customer activitywithout more efforts.
With automations zniper will work for you when you are not working!
Zniper comes with a powerful BI studio to measure all relevant customer metrics and business trends. Compute the success of every action and drill down from the bigger picture to interesting details. Access our rich set of standard dashboards or build and share custom performance dashboards based on your company’s own KPI definitions. Schedule updates or to real-time refresh on any execution.
Mobile responsive to let you keep your eye on performance anytime from anywhere!
Marketing Calendar
Have all your planned and ongoing communication at one glance. Keep a sharp eye on performance and directly access all relevant details. Create new campaigns or stop, adjust and resume existing ones.
Focus on performance and take direct action!
Create engaging messages and build up your content portfolio with zniper's easy to use content builder. Optimize infinite customer journeys with effective communication and ensure each client receives engaging and relevant communication at the right timing.
Orchestrate efficient communication flows and optimize infinite customer journeys!